Scar Tissue

I was a clumsy kid; some things don’t change.  I’ve lost count of the fractures I accumulated in my early years, but it never bothered me.  At that age you attained almost celebrity status once that magical cast was set over your damaged limb.  Suddenly kids you never knew couldn’t wait to pen their name... Continue Reading →

The Lighthouse: A Bed Of Words

Aaron shivers fitfully beneath a bed of words, wondering if his own tormentor had accompanied him from slumber; becoming omnipresent in the past weeks. Cliff edges huddle together in his mind as weary eyes close, a familiar connection to his mother; stone ladies picking over the obituaries and the latest gossip on the church steps.... Continue Reading →

The Lighthouse: Luna

It is with gargantuan effort Luna’s eyelids eventually crack open.  Heavy and slick, she notes a greasy residue upon them, congealing around the corners and between the lids. From somewhere above a light flickers as the room swims around her listless body; heart fluttering, a beating of wings. A robe of cold moonlit air rushes... Continue Reading →

Mr Sandman

Ironically whenever I play that classic ode to slumber by The Chordettes I can’t help but lay awake reminiscing John Candy’s faultless performance as Uncle Buck as opposed to actually closing my eyes and drifting off to the land of nod. For me sleep is an illusive beast. It never used to be such a... Continue Reading →

Like A Prayer

Looking back, I’ve always had more belief in songs than I have in religion.  I don’t mean that to sound derogatory or offensive, in a lot of ways I envy others of such resolute devotion to their chosen institution.  But for me, I never really got it, to be honest from a young age I... Continue Reading →

Suns Out Tums Out

I don’t hold ill feeling to those who enjoy a ‘staycation’ (save for the audible use of the word *shudders*) but personally, nothing puts me in a better mood than when the sun is shining on my face. For those diehards that say don’t knock it before you try it – I have mate!  I’ve... Continue Reading →

These Boots Were Made For Walking

Fear not, I don’t possess the derriere to squeeze into Daisey Dukes’ shorts and pay homage to Jessica Simpson’s remake of the old Willy Nelson song – plus it’d be a bit hypocritical to lather up someone else’s car when I can’t be bothered to wash my own.  If God wants it clean it’ll rain.... Continue Reading →

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